Product Dimensions | 19.7″D x 39.37″W x 17.4″H |
Color | Retro Brown |
Brand | Sweetcrispy |
Table design | Coffee Table |
Style | Modern |
About this item
- 🌞【Simple Style】The lift top coffee table for living room has a beautiful finish and subtly textured feel, which matches your living room/reception/office style and decor very well. This modern coffee table perfectly highlights your unique aesthetic and taste, being a part of your apartment decor.
- 🌞【Practical Lift Top Design】 An nice work-from-home solution. This living room table is equipped with a lifting tabletop that can be pulled out (elevated to 6.3″, bear up to 11 lbs) effortlessly when you need a quick workspace in the living room. You don’t have to lean forward to access your laptop on the table. It’s also the perfect dining room table to eat off, do homework, anything as your living room essentials! Stability will also be guaranteed while adjusting.
- 🌞【Spacious Storage】The large hidden compartment under the top table offers enough space to store your books, cups, games, snacks, keeping them away from dirt. The lifting mechanism won’t take up a lot of room inside the storage part. The two shelves on the side offer extra space, saving so much time for you not having to dig around the living room to find remotes or tissue boxes.
- 🌞【Upgrade Design】 A recessed access is reserved for easily lifting the lid of the wood coffee table, avoiding the risk of hurting fingers. The lifting mechanism is constructed of thickened steel frame, ensuring a smooth and silent operation while keeping it solid and sturdy. Angled legs ensure stability and security. With solid construction and selected materials, this small coffee table will not wobble if correctly assembled.
- 🌞【Easy Assembly】The assembly for this lift-up center table is easy with the help of the enclosed parts, tools and illustrated assembly instructions. If you have any problems or questions, we would be delighted to help you find a solution and reply to your email within 24 hours.

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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
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Very good sturdy coffee table.Absolutely love it!
Equal to the photo.